Sunday, August 10, 2014


Some readers may not know this, but the "Rookie slave" was a fraud. Long story that I don't really want to get into right now. So, do I delete "her" posts? Do I leave them there? I don't know what would be the better option. 
"Her" posts are part of our development as poly, but they are evidence of a bad person, someone who tried to ruin our lives and tried, honestly, to get me to end mine. 
As part of my attempt to process everything we have been through, I have stared at this blog, wondering what to do, how to handle this, and how I could have been so fooled. 
The events that surrounded this revelation have caused me to question everything, well, everything except Master, the one person who has stood beside me through everything. 
I guess I will sit on it a while before I really decide what to do. I may close this blog and start a new one for all members of the House to use. That might be best.