Sunday, June 10, 2012

Truth Time

I took the plunge last night, in a way. I have been wanting to tell my bff about how happy I have been and the real reason for the happiness. When I thought about telling her, I was petrified that she would "run for the hills" and just leave me flat. It was a case of unfounded fear because it seems that, whenever things are going well in my life, something will come along and screw it up. So I was scared more than I realized that she would think I was wrong and give me the choice, her or Master.
But, last night, with Master's help, my bff was told about everything. She was informed about everything, my kinks, my status, Master's status, some protocols, Master's room downstairs, my little, everything.
She did not run, she was actually happy that I found my happiness, that I am fulfilled, that I am healing. She understands me more now, understands what makes me tick. Now that she has been informed about everything, she can watch out for me while I am away for the summer. She knows ans accepts me and what my relationship is like.
I am so glad Master was ok with helping me tell her about us. She didn't balk or run, she asked questions and was ok with it all.
I am glad I was able to share the truth with her. Next to Master and family, her opinions mean the most to me, and i am glad she is ok.

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