Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dumb-booty Neighbors

Ok, it is well known that there will always be one person in the neighborhood who just makes one wish the Darwin Awards would come with a forced tubal or vasectomy. Now, I am not going to comment on the neighbor's parenting skills. This is just her latest display of idiocy.
Now, when we moved in, she was shocked that we were not on food stamps (yes, I said food stamps, not public assistance, this is my blog, I'm not under any restrictions to be PC, don't like it? The door is across the room, feel free to use it.
First this woman was shocked that we are not on food stamps. Then, she tries to sell her food stamps to me, a recovering alcoholic, to buy 2 bottles of vodka, one vanilla one marshmallow. (Ewww). And she obsesses over this stuff if I even say that I need to think about it or I need to check with Master. Because, you know, I should not have to take my Husband's thoughts and opinions into consideration when it comes to fraud!
Her 50 year old mother in law lives with them and she has been asking ME for blood pressure pills for her mother in law (Mooch50, since she is 50 years old) for over a month now, because Mooch50 can't find a damn doctor to give her a refill (ANY ER will do it, btw). 1st of all, my dose is double Mooch50's, 2nd of all, Mooch50 is an adult and not my responsibility, 3rd of all, its illegal, 4th of all, if I give her my pills, where does that leave me? Never mind the fact that she knew the entire life of the original script she needed to find a doctor before she ran out, AND the urgent care already gave her 2 extra weeks when she ran out. But, when I say, no I am NOT giving Mooch50 the meds that prevent ME from having a stroke because, at 31, I am more responsible then Mooch50 (and I said it just like that, except with names and not Mooch50), I am a stingy bitch? Really? Immature much? Selfish much?
Today, she tagged along while I took little man with me to pick up our glasses. She held the receipt for me while I got ready to drive home and she was floored by how much I paid for the glasses after my insurance took care of it. She was shocked that it cost $214 for two pairs of glasses. "You don't have medicaid? $2 for my glasses with them." LMAO her "glasses" are the $2 readers from Walmart that they sell with the sunglasses. And she never knows where they are and between her and Mooch50, they are always breaking glasses.
Nope, I actually get REAL glasses so I can, you know, actually see when I do things like drive or read? And i actually get my son REAL glasses. I prefer to pay the money now for actual glasses then to wait and get him the cheap "readers" which are not fitted for him and do not have his script in them, especially while his eyes are still changing.
Have a little respect for your kids, for yourself, and for your safety, lady. Augh!! @@

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